Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pastor Jonathan Conrathe 21st - 23rd May

Friday 7:30pm                             Saturday 2:00pm
Miracle Outreach                         Healing Seminar £10.per person.

Both of the above meetings will be held in :

Jubilee Hall
Greenland Road
Durrington BN13 2RR    

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Sunday meetings will be held at our usual venues ( see "about us" page for details )
Sunday 10:00am                         Sunday 6:30pm
Bognor Regis                              Worthing
Healing Meeting                          Healing Meeting

Jonathan Conrathe is the Founder and Director of Valley Life Trust which today encompasses “Mission24” and the “Childlife homes” initiative. Jonathan has seen in excess of 200,000 people come to a living faith in Jesus Christ over the last 20 years in 41 different nations. The Lord continues to faithfully confirm His Word with regular occurrences of healings, miracles and prophetic ministry, resulting in tangible changes within the lives of those who receive the Word of God.
The Ministry was established in 1994 following an initial training period of seven years with Evangelist Don Double of the Good News Crusade, where Jonathan served as a trainee evangelist and worship leader. The fruit of the ministry has been seen not only in the salvation of tens of thousands of precious lives, but also in the planting of new churches in Uganda (23), Tanzania (3), South Africa (1), Mexico (house churches), UK (1), Philippines(2), France (1), Ukraine (2), and India (mostly house churches…harder to quantify as planted from large open air missions involving tens of thousands of people...reports suggest that hundreds of new house churches have been planted from these events). Jonathan is sent out from his local church in the West Midlands, UK, and ministers widely in missions around the world , as well as to churches and leaders across a variety of denominations and networks around the UK and overseas.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pastor Ashley Schmierer is returning to Methold House on the 9th May at 6:30pm.

COC, International President Newly elected to the International Presidency of COC, Ashley and Ruth Schmierer are dual citizens of Australia and Britain. Since 1993 they have been lived in Brighton, England, where they pioneered COC’s European base. Serving effectively as COC European Chairmen, through their leadership and strategic connections, many churches have been established across Europe, Middle East, North India and Nepal.

Ashley and Ruth believe that every person is called by God to love Him, love people and make a real difference in this world. They have two daughters who now live in England. With many spiritual children they minister as a true father and mother, helping people find fulfillment and influence in God’s purpose for their lives.
As strategic visionaries believing in God’s power and people’s potential, Ashley and Ruth know that the big picture, broken down into bite-sized pieces, becomes achievable as we each commit to doing our part.

Together we can do it!

Christian Outreach Centre – Reaching our world for Christ